Level 25 Horde Guild, Magtheridon. 519 members
Dnkypunch has been demoted from rank 6 to rank 7 (~5 years ago)
Darkdanmo has joined Horde Veritas (~5 years ago)
Døøzer has been demoted from rank 2 to rank 7 (~5 years ago)
Drfuntime has joined Horde Veritas (~5 years ago)
Mongor has joined Horde Veritas (~5 years ago)
Copare has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~5 years ago)
Bäckstàb has joined Horde Veritas (~5 years ago)
Fantazma has been demoted from rank 6 to rank 8 (~5 years ago)
Trisomy has joined Horde Veritas (~5 years ago)
Repto has joined Horde Veritas (~5 years ago)
Prizmz has joined Horde Veritas (~5 years ago)
Buknizzle has joined Horde Veritas (~5 years ago)
Nebulae has joined Horde Veritas (~5 years ago)
Kagtathar has joined Horde Veritas (~5 years ago)
Tàz has been demoted from rank 6 to rank 8 (~5 years ago)
Röshåmbö has joined Horde Veritas (~5 years ago)
Lomin has joined Horde Veritas (~5 years ago)
Chuckbaranek has been demoted from rank 6 to rank 8 (~5 years ago)
Lohfnar has joined Horde Veritas (~5 years ago)
Grezzarluz has joined Horde Veritas (~5 years ago)
Wargo has joined Horde Veritas (~5 years ago)
Lovelight has been demoted from rank 6 to rank 7 (~5 years ago)
Angercontrol has joined Horde Veritas (~5 years ago)
Huuot has joined Horde Veritas (~5 years ago)
Hch has been demoted from rank 6 to rank 8 (~5 years ago)