Level 25 Horde Guild, Mal'Ganis. 395 members
MÃkoto has joined Overture (~9 years ago)
Runier has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 8 (~9 years ago)
Dogcaptin has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~9 years ago)
Alsenpai has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 8 (~9 years ago)
Valid has left Overture (~9 years ago)
Vyroxx has left Overture (~9 years ago)
Thetruealpha has left Overture (~9 years ago)
Ikarate has left Overture (~9 years ago)
Fuyuri has left Overture (~9 years ago)
Popamollyz has left Overture (~9 years ago)
Warmetsu has left Overture (~9 years ago)
Rentacletape has left Overture (~9 years ago)
Zlut has left Overture (~9 years ago)
Bigchief has left Overture (~9 years ago)
Drugss has left Overture (~9 years ago)
Invalid has left Overture (~9 years ago)
Quackz has left Overture (~9 years ago)
Cipz has left Overture (~9 years ago)
Kausion has left Overture (~9 years ago)
Kovaro has left Overture (~9 years ago)
Kushlordswag has left Overture (~9 years ago)
Supahugs has left Overture (~9 years ago)
Cyvus has left Overture (~9 years ago)
Anabaptism has been promoted from rank 8 to rank 5 (~9 years ago)
Stylewar has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 8 (~9 years ago)