Last updated 5 years ago.

First Líght

achievements 1805

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Moon Guard. 640 members

Elanniel obtained Embroidered Deep Sea Gloves. 5 years ago
Sindalamar obtained Shell-Kickers. 5 years ago
Elanniel obtained Bloodbough Slippers. 5 years ago
Sindalamar obtained Chain-Linked Safety Cord. 5 years ago
Balrund obtained Primal Dinomancer's Belt. 5 years ago
Balrund obtained Ritual Binder's Ring. 5 years ago
Aislea earned the achievement Professional Kul Tiran Master for 10 points. 5 years ago
Veldunn earned the achievement Level 70 for 10 points. 5 years ago
Tevos purchased item Bracers of the Allied Earthbinders. 5 years ago
Nineveh earned the achievement Level 30 for 10 points. 5 years ago

Guild Master