Last updated 9 years ago.

Exotic Curse

achievements 2190

Level 25 Horde Guild, Norgannon. 495 members

Corthus obtained Butcher's Terrible Tenderizer. 9 years ago
Koartana obtained Grips of Vicious Mauling. 9 years ago
Rivaled obtained Kargath's Last Link. 9 years ago
Thunderkleez obtained Casque of the Iron Bomber. 9 years ago
Jayhallz obtained Treads of Sand and Blood. 9 years ago
Dragónfly obtained Throat-Ripper Gauntlets. 9 years ago
The guild earned the achievement Raid Challenges for 10 points. (triggered by Thunderkleez) 9 years ago
Boudicä obtained Grandiose Bracers. 9 years ago

Guild Master