Last updated 9 years ago.

Ðeal Wîth ît

achievements 1670

Level 25 Horde Guild, Quel'Thalas. 295 members

Pandaren Slayer

Get an honorable kill on a level 85 or greater Pandaren of each of the classes listed below.


9 years ago

Draenei Slayer

Get an honorable kill on a level 85 or greater Draenei of each of the classes listed below.


9 years ago

Worgen Slayer

Get an honorable kill on a level 85 or greater Worgen of each of the classes listed below.


9 years ago

Gnome Slayer

Get an honorable kill on a level 85 or greater Gnome of each of the classes listed below.


9 years ago

Warglaives of Azzinoth - Guild Edition

Owner of a set of Warglaives of Azzinoth.


9 years ago

Night Elf Slayer

Get an honorable kill on a level 85 or greater Night Elf of each of the classes listed below.


9 years ago

Human Slayer

Get an honorable kill on a level 85 or greater Human of each of the classes listed below.


9 years ago

Heroic: Scholomance Guild Run

Defeat Darkmaster Gandling in Scholomance on Heroic Difficulty while in a guild group.


9 years ago

Scholomance Guild Run

Defeat the leaders of Scholomance while in a guild group.


9 years ago

You Have Been Challenged

Complete a guild challenge.


9 years ago

Extended Storage

Purchase the 7th guild bank tab.


9 years ago

Shroud of the Celestials - Guild Edition

Owner of a Shroud of the Celestials.


9 years ago

We Are Legendary

Obtain one of the legendary items listed below.


9 years ago

Everyone Needs a Logo

Create and purchase a guild crest.


1 decade ago