Last updated 9 years ago.

Ðeal Wîth ît

achievements 1670

Level 25 Horde Guild, Quel'Thalas. 295 members

Bärtuc obtained Ring of the Shattered Shell. 9 years ago
Bärtuc obtained Grasps of Panic. 9 years ago
Bärtuc obtained Pauldrons of the Broken Blade. 9 years ago
Byz obtained Tornado-Summoning Censer. 9 years ago
Kazuoh obtained Jade Charioteer Figurine. 9 years ago
Bärtuc obtained Warbelt of Sealed Pods. 9 years ago
Byz obtained Attenuating Bracers. 9 years ago
Jeannx obtained Mantle of Fury. 9 years ago
Omazing earned the achievement Level 100 for 10 points. 9 years ago
Elvnyel obtained Ra-den's Contemplative Loop. 9 years ago

Guild Master