Last updated 6 years ago.

Initiation Of Darkness

achievements 2275

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Ragnaros. 768 members

Sekkerx earned the achievement The Prestige for 10 points. 6 years ago
Kaiya obtained Doomstride Footguards. 6 years ago
Kaiya obtained Legguards of Countless Hours. 6 years ago
Ázuka obtained Ring of Collapsing Futures. 6 years ago
Arádía obtained Soul-Tempered Chestplate. 6 years ago
Ärcanyel obtained Avenging Band. 6 years ago
Bellatriixzz obtained Jed'hin Aspirant's Ring. 6 years ago
Shenpoo obtained Girdle of Lidless Sight. 6 years ago
Victoringui obtained Pulsing Prism. 6 years ago

Guild Master