Level 25 Horde Guild, Ragnaros. 244 members
Ironpala has joined Set The World Afire (~6 years ago)
Alunetre has joined Set The World Afire (~6 years ago)
Tirorc has joined Set The World Afire (~6 years ago)
Chamejai has joined Set The World Afire (~6 years ago)
Tuzïta has joined Set The World Afire (~6 years ago)
Káibel has joined Set The World Afire (~6 years ago)
Melîsandre has joined Set The World Afire (~6 years ago)
Tirfing has joined Set The World Afire (~6 years ago)
Kaibel has joined Set The World Afire (~6 years ago)
Pudreibel has joined Set The World Afire (~6 years ago)
Cnc has joined Set The World Afire (~6 years ago)
Antharox has joined Set The World Afire (~6 years ago)
Adasme has joined Set The World Afire (~6 years ago)
Raizorblack has joined Set The World Afire (~6 years ago)
Fusaro has joined Set The World Afire (~6 years ago)
Shaufaan has joined Set The World Afire (~6 years ago)
Púdrete has joined Set The World Afire (~6 years ago)
Chosena has joined Set The World Afire (~6 years ago)
Yocuro has joined Set The World Afire (~6 years ago)