Level 25 Alliance Guild, Ragnaros. 198 members
Mollfün has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)
Mëridius has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)
Silmerya has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)
Acliv has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)
Brizly has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)
Darzehm has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)
Caillin has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)
Eryon has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)
Cazeiga has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)
Absoluna has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)
Airiel has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)
Anthâr has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)
Elisarah has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)
Hyakkímaru has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)
Yeilen has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)
Nasserneiser has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)
Galádriell has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)
Schnettz has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)
Thenydiel has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)
Necrane has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)
Theocrates has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)
Elüthiel has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)
Hamu has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)
Michingona has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)
Anthóm has joined The Kaldorei (~6 years ago)