Last updated 5 years ago.

The Kaldorei

achievements 1160

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Ragnaros. 198 members

Sapuri obtained Gayeong's Gentle Step. 5 years ago
Oliverj obtained Smuggler's Cove Ring. 5 years ago
Shadowhuntz obtained 7th Legionnaire's Buckle. 5 years ago
Sôgennokizu obtained 7th Legionnaire's Buckle. 5 years ago
Sôgennokizu obtained Gravethorn Jerkin. 5 years ago
Muxius obtained 7th Legionnaire's Cord. 5 years ago
Zebizwar earned the achievement Level 10 for 10 points. 5 years ago
Gatunna obtained Tri-Heart Chestguard. 5 years ago
Krákus obtained Korgus' Blackpowder Rifle. 5 years ago
Liriel obtained 7th Legionnaire's Cord. 5 years ago

Guild Master