Last updated 4 years ago.

Collective Energy

achievements 1865

Level 25 Horde Guild, Saurfang. 537 members

Aengel obtained Chain of Suffering. 4 years ago
Johnnybravo obtained Cloak of Ill Tidings. 4 years ago
Coldie obtained Honorbound Skullcleaver. 4 years ago
Geopriest obtained Amice of the Reef Witch. 4 years ago
Geopriest obtained Pashmar's Finial. 4 years ago
Oogtavius obtained Ardent Worshipper's Boots. 4 years ago
Suzzieloo obtained Hands of the Fanatic. 4 years ago
Vina obtained Formcrafter's Pants. 4 years ago
Kaelrekulls obtained Dribbling Inkpod. 4 years ago

Guild Master