Level 25 Alliance Guild, Saurfang. 391 members
Rorimac has joined Under The Southern Cross (~8 years ago)
Gaminia has joined Under The Southern Cross (~8 years ago)
Rosiposy has joined Under The Southern Cross (~8 years ago)
Nabelle has joined Under The Southern Cross (~8 years ago)
Santaspally has joined Under The Southern Cross (~8 years ago)
Kaedo has joined Under The Southern Cross (~8 years ago)
Santashelpa has joined Under The Southern Cross (~8 years ago)
Deltonn has joined Under The Southern Cross (~8 years ago)
Cassini has joined Under The Southern Cross (~8 years ago)
Anakinra has joined Under The Southern Cross (~8 years ago)
Stealthyélfy has joined Under The Southern Cross (~8 years ago)