Last updated 5 years ago.

Dragon Raiderz

achievements 1650

Level 25 Horde Guild, Shadowsong. 427 members

Serpentshrine Cavern Guild Run

Defeat Lady Vashj in Serpentshrine Cavern while in a guild group.


5 years ago

Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Guild Run

Defeat Ossirian the Unscarred while in a guild group.


5 years ago

Nalak Guild Run

Defeat Nalak, the Storm Lord, on the Isle of Thunder while in a raid with at least 8 guild members.


5 years ago

Salyis's Warband Guild Run

Defeat Salyis's Warband in Valley of the Four Winds while in a raid with at least 8 guild members.


5 years ago

Oondasta Guild Run

Defeat Oondasta on the Isle of Giants while in a raid with at least 8 guild members.


5 years ago

Sha of Anger Guild Run

Defeat the Sha of Anger in Kun-Lai Summit while in a raid with at least 8 guild members.


5 years ago

Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros - Guild Edition

Owner of Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros.


5 years ago

Critter Kill Squad

Kill 50,000 critters


5 years ago

The Nighthold Guild Run

Defeat the bosses of The Nighthold on Normal difficulty or higher, while in a guild group.


5 years ago

A Daily Routine

Complete 15,000 daily quests.


5 years ago

Gnomeregan Guild Run

Defeat Mekgineer Thermaplugg while in a guild group.


5 years ago

That's a Lot of Bait

Catch 10,000 fish from fishing pools.


5 years ago

Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker - Guild Edition

Wielder of Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.


5 years ago

Trial of Valor Guild Run

Defeat the bosses of the Trial of Valor on Normal difficulty or higher, while in a guild group.


5 years ago

That's a Lot of Turn Ins

Complete 100,000 quests.


6 years ago