Last updated 4 years ago.

The Dark Coven

achievements 2415

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Shadowsong. 731 members

Logherb has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)

Logmineing has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)

Ragingfist has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)

Logmonk has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)

Fizzlepuff has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)

Ragingsneak has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)

Rugs has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)

Funfists has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)

Phazed has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)

Logarrow has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)

Finah has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)

Yumadboi has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)

Ulferas has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)

Elspeth has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)

Barraden has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)

Holytoast has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)

EliorĂ¥ has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)

Illdri has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)

Xhexandrea has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)

Hoagiefresh has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)

Grisselda has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)

Adisonia has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)

Dariena has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)

Malachai has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)

Frostbitez has joined The Dark Coven (~4 years ago)