Last updated 6 years ago.

High Value Targets

achievements 1445

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Sisters of Elune. 325 members

Tracerig has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~6 years ago)

Impurity has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Elouise has joined High Value Targets (~6 years ago)

Stamps has been promoted from rank 9 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Grapes has joined High Value Targets (~6 years ago)

Felydar has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Illmatik has been demoted from rank 3 to rank 4 (~6 years ago)

Melisandrè has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Drpotato has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Gochukiller has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Amaline has been demoted from rank 3 to rank 4 (~6 years ago)

Chrixus has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Dardrik has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Cammi has been promoted from rank 9 to rank 5 (~6 years ago)

Nycteus has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Tealc has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Akuto has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Earthstar has joined High Value Targets (~6 years ago)

Shredder has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~6 years ago)

Elada has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Ziegel has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Onlyhuman has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

ZĂ´mbie has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~6 years ago)

Ariannee has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Kagizume has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)