Level 25 Horde Guild, The Forgotten Coast. 964 members
Gummybéar has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Indielover has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Petite has been demoted from rank 2 to rank 3 (~5 years ago)
Curvy has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Nubby has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Maxdarkfire has joined Order of Chaos (~5 years ago)
Ogamï has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Linedra has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Xiyru has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Norana has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Theuniverse has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Manpanda has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Recemos has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Phôenix has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Mokork has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Toxic has been demoted from rank 2 to rank 3 (~5 years ago)
Versiontwo has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Stark has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
ßlackhammer has been demoted from rank 1 to rank 3 (~5 years ago)
Glitchmob has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Luxas has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Attero has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Gtechniq has been demoted from rank 3 to rank 4 (~5 years ago)
Atterio has been demoted from rank 1 to rank 2 (~5 years ago)
Alien has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)