Level 25 Horde Guild, The Forgotten Coast. 964 members
Aly has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Healdamu has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Slavevis has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Babydemon has been demoted from rank 2 to rank 3 (~5 years ago)
Littletiger has been demoted from rank 2 to rank 3 (~5 years ago)
Numbrthree has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Kashmoney has joined Order of Chaos (~5 years ago)
Djerek has been demoted from rank 1 to rank 2 (~5 years ago)
Risedrene has joined Order of Chaos (~5 years ago)
Donphan has been demoted from rank 1 to rank 2 (~5 years ago)
Ulrion has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Notdk has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Elandriel has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Dust has been demoted from rank 2 to rank 3 (~5 years ago)
Krashikkvix has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Healingnut has been demoted from rank 2 to rank 3 (~5 years ago)
Didill has been demoted from rank 3 to rank 4 (~5 years ago)
Gaofuda has been demoted from rank 2 to rank 3 (~5 years ago)
Thaurlock has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Oliver has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Føx has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Shutnut has been demoted from rank 2 to rank 3 (~5 years ago)
Malindir has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Jinn has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Dolp has joined Order of Chaos (~5 years ago)