Last updated 5 years ago.

Scars of Loyalty

achievements 850

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Thorium Brotherhood. 152 members

Bobthedruid earned the achievement Level 30 for 10 points. 5 years ago
Euphoria obtained Band of Multi-Sided Strikes. 5 years ago
Euphoria obtained Cord of Flowing Sands. 5 years ago
Euphoria earned the achievement Level 120 for 10 points. 5 years ago
Fext obtained Helm of Tempered Jade. 5 years ago
Rastafaeri obtained Cranedancer Leggings. 5 years ago
Mokris obtained Primal Dinomancer's Belt. 5 years ago
Howly obtained Sandals of Wise Voodoo. 5 years ago

Guild Master