Last updated 6 years ago.

The Illidari

achievements 1715

Level 25 Horde Guild, Thrall. 957 members

Tüna has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)

Wontonhealz has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)

Fritzel has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)

Regnår has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)

Amelaira has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)

Mariniegh has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)

Danninook has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)

Thenomaadd has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)

Groupsecs has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)

Esproç has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)

Cashmeouside has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)

Xtoli has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)

Faedren has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)

Gankel has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)

Sinsingr has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)

Lupïonty has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)

Lydinda has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)

Jasperknight has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)

Layelu has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)

Stabbson has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)

Larsvontired has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)

Warbabyy has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)

Nugbu has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)

Pallybulldan has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)

Harari has joined The Illidari (~6 years ago)