Last updated 5 years ago.

Flex Progression

achievements 1235

Level 25 Horde Guild, Tichondrius. 273 members

Maxotaur obtained Vestments of the Afterlife. 5 years ago
Filchok obtained Phantom Stalker Shoulders. 5 years ago
Slippsy obtained Sharkhide Grips. 5 years ago
Daraeli obtained Loop of Pulsing Veins. 5 years ago
Silentact obtained Ornate Elun'dris Ring. 5 years ago
Voidfrogz crafted item Enhanced Deep Sea Breeches. 5 years ago
Voidfrogz crafted item Enhanced Deep Sea Gloves. 5 years ago
Voidfrogz crafted item SP1-R1-73D Synthetic Specs. 5 years ago
Voidfrogz crafted item Surging Synthetic Specs. 5 years ago
Bíll obtained Moonstone of Zin-Azshari. 5 years ago

Guild Master