Last updated 5 years ago.


achievements 1125

Level 25 Horde Guild, Tichondrius. 76 members

Corin obtained Necrotic Dominion. 5 years ago
Öptimus obtained Glimpse of the Afterlife. 5 years ago
Corin obtained Terestian's Signet Ring. 5 years ago
Corin obtained Seal of Darkshire Nobility. 5 years ago
Ábâddon obtained Cloak of Sweltering Flame. 5 years ago
Öptimus obtained Visage of Brutish Iron. 5 years ago
Squîshy obtained Bones of the Restless. 5 years ago
Ilrune obtained Nightmares of the Dead. 5 years ago
Winchèstér obtained Terestian's Signet Ring. 5 years ago
Gumbiticus obtained Robes of Wicked Modesty. 5 years ago

Guild Master
