Level 25 Alliance Guild, Velen. 969 members
Ulfhedinn has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)
Cayyde has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)
Naarah has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)
Vinks has been demoted from rank 6 to rank 7 (~6 years ago)
Whitebeard has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)
Sarlyn has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)
Habanerofist has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)
Elrric has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)
Ozula has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)
Friends has been demoted from rank 6 to rank 7 (~6 years ago)
Chuck has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)
Rendorei has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)
Rake has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)
Fflar has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)
Nimfoodle has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)
Shadöwz has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)
Birthdaygirl has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)
Råë has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)
Välyn has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)
Evilspells has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)
Feoran has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)
Mydnight has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)
Druidjedi has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)
Avoiddance has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)
Pallycaree has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)