Last updated 6 years ago.

Legendary Raiders

achievements 2715

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Velen. 969 members

Kechi has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Sarcaster has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Padeiria has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)

Parthax has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Pandabhealz has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)

Lilolperv has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Lilperv has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Kuja has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Memz has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Feytality has joined Legendary Raiders (~6 years ago)

Morducks has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Katchina has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Serv has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Golonac has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Arsleena has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Jinxi has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Whisperfäll has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Aledors has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Dennan has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~6 years ago)

Cblevs has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Pawhunteress has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Hafenrir has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Toshiro has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Coldtotouch has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)

Tanalasta has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)