Last updated 6 years ago.


achievements 1435

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Whisperwind. 416 members

Daskarths obtained Festerface's Rotted Gut. 6 years ago
Dwoowid obtained Blood of the Vanquished. 6 years ago
Dandrek obtained Azurelight Sage's Sash. 6 years ago
Rhasputerin obtained Cruor of the Avenger. 6 years ago
Imaskjeeves obtained Khaz'goroth's Courage. 6 years ago
Ceegann obtained Aggramar's Conviction. 6 years ago
Mazafaka obtained Mote of the Forgemaster. 6 years ago
Lazrul obtained Cruor of the Avenger. 6 years ago
Moldram obtained Root of the Lifebinder. 6 years ago

Guild Master