Level 25 Alliance Guild, Winterhoof. 932 members
Demietri has joined The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)
Shapip has left The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)
Copë has left The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)
Omisanon has left The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)
Muttlock has left The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)
Omgfurrie has left The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)
Mitlar has left The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)
Gargasmell has left The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)
Kamerah has left The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)
Lilsham has left The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)
Dreamtheater has left The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)
Galoreidin has left The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)
Fearofclownz has left The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)
Crisania has left The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)
Heartzofduck has left The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)
Hardbrand has left The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)
Baulin has left The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)
Copè has left The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)
Sturmmajere has left The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)
Velera has left The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)
Puritysheart has left The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)
Abadonn has left The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)
Xiplowing has left The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)
Shadowfeng has left The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)
Sadshot has left The Knights Templar (~5 years ago)