Level 25 Horde Guild, Wyrmrest Accord. 874 members
Gingapow has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Novahex has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Gothiel has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Gingabeef has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Henryfogg has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Renddrel has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Soshaku has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Sundreia has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Niheika has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Virkenres has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Eiuraa has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Lelantospawn has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Jormunr has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Annoba has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Karrthak has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Felnon has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Althyra has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Midrange has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Olianah has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Fréderic has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Sylvali has joined Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Enokrada has joined Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Disconsolate has joined Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Nitrois has joined Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Grimmreaver has joined Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)