Level 25 Horde Guild, Wyrmrest Accord. 874 members
Degula has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Harricus has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Flayed has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Sinrott has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Asaruna has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Darksheer has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Stealthtusk has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Eranina has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Mortvivants has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Rhyies has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Arganel has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Borandil has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Corvom has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Discrucio has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Raharuuk has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Yughi has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Abbadön has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Pecos has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Oscardy has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Sillokk has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Ullër has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Selaraste has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Noraelamun has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Klitschko has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)
Dugarod has left Live and Let Die (~6 years ago)