110 Human Rogue, Auchindoun
Stamina 29,963
Agility 24,803
Strength 8,481
Intellect 5,000
Armor 2,009
Mastery 34.09%
Crit 27.22%
Haste 14.49%
Versatility 13.18%
Avoidance 11.91%
Leech 1.32%
Speed 0.00%
Dodge 12.40%
Parry 3.00%
Block 0.00%
849.9 Item Level
Ghostly Strike
Unknown talent - 195457
Iron Stomach
Dirty Tricks
Unknown talent - 185767
Marked for Death
No glyph selected
N/A Item Level
Unknown talent - 31223
Soothing Darkness
Prey on the Weak
Unknown talent - 196979
Master of Shadows
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