Last updated 9 years ago.

Shifticus Crusader

The Gauntlet
achievements 20425

120 Dwarf Paladin, Nordrassil

Completed step Gruul of achievement Slagworks. 9 years ago
1 Gruul kills (Heroic Blackrock Foundry) 9 years ago
Completed step Gruul of achievement Blackrock Foundry Guild Run. 9 years ago
Obtained Entrail Squishers. 9 years ago
Completed step of achievement More Fun With Friends. 9 years ago
8 Skulloc kills (Heroic Iron Docks) 9 years ago
7 Ner'zhul kills (Heroic Shadowmoon Burial Grounds) 9 years ago
Completed step Place 100 Work Orders at the Lumber Mill. of achievement Choppin' Even More Logs. 9 years ago
Obtained Chestplate of Arcane Volatility. 9 years ago
1 Twin Ogron kills (Mythic Highmaul) 9 years ago
Earned the achievement Mythic: Twin Ogron for 10 points. 9 years ago
Obtained Milenah's Intricate Cloak. 9 years ago
Completed step Botani of achievement Master Defender. 9 years ago
Earned the achievement Picky Palate for 10 points. 9 years ago
Earned the achievement Garrison Architect for 10 points. 9 years ago