110 Orc Hunter, Onyxia
Stamina 32,245
Agility 22,939
Strength 6,236
Intellect 6,005
Armor 2,529
Crit 22.82%
Mastery 21.47%
Haste 16.56%
Speed 3.64%
Avoidance 4.00%
Versatility 1.86%
Leech 1.93%
Dodge 11.46%
Block 0.00%
Parry 0.00%
855.8 Item Level
Unknown talent - 155228
Lock and Load
Unknown talent - 234588
Binding Shot
Unknown talent - 214579
No glyph selected
N/A Item Level
Unknown talent - 194397
Chimaera Shot
One with the Pack
Unknown talent - 19386
A Murder of Crows
Please be as specific as possible.