Last updated 8 years ago.

Izualiz Illidari

Into Elysium
achievements 3575

110 Night Elf Demon Hunter, Silvermoon

Unleashed Monstrosities

Defeat 8 of the following monstrous creatures on the Broken Isles.


8 years ago

But You Say He's Just a Friend

Defeat Warlord Parjesh without allowing any Hatecoil Shellbreakers to die in Eye of Azshara on Mythic difficulty.


8 years ago

WoW's 12th Anniversary

Logged in during WoW's 12th Anniversary.


8 years ago

Trial of Valor

Defeat the following bosses within the Trial of Valor.


8 years ago

Justly Rewarded

Make 30,000 gold from quest rewards.


8 years ago

Fashionista: Chest

Collect 100 chest slot appearances.


8 years ago

Looking For Multitudes

Use the Dungeon Finder tool to finish random heroic dungeons until you have grouped with 100 random players total.


8 years ago

King's Bane

Defeat King Ymiron in Utgarde Pinnacle on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in the party triggering Bane.


8 years ago

Heroic: Utgarde Pinnacle

Defeat the Utgarde Pinnacle bosses on Heroic Difficulty.


8 years ago

Utgarde Pinnacle

Defeat the bosses in Utgarde Pinnacle.


8 years ago

My Girl Loves to Skadi All the Time

Defeat Skadi the Ruthless in Utgarde Pinnacle on Heroic Difficulty after having killed Grauf from 100% to dead in a single pass.


8 years ago

Lodi Dodi We Loves the Skadi

Defeat Skadi the Ruthless in Utgarde Pinnacle on Heroic Difficulty within 3 minutes of starting the gauntlet event.


8 years ago

Volazj's Quick Demise

Defeat Herald Volazj in Ahn'kahet on Heroic Difficulty in 2 minutes or less.


8 years ago

Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom

Defeat the bosses in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom.


8 years ago

Timely Death

Defeat Loken in the Halls of Lightning on Heroic Difficulty in 2 minutes or less.


8 years ago