120 Dwarf Paladin, Silvermoon
Stamina 8,160
Armor 4,468
Strength 4,266
Intellect 1,466
Agility 511
Crit 14.76%
Mastery 13.69%
Haste 11.41%
Versatility 5.25%
Avoidance 1.75%
Speed 0.00%
Leech 0.00%
Block 21.86%
Parry 18.58%
Dodge 3.00%
341.8 Item Level
Blessed Hammer
First Avenger
Fist of Justice
Retribution Aura
Final Stand
Consecrated Ground
Last Defender
No glyph selected
N/A Item Level
Blade of Wrath
Blinding Light
Wake of Ashes
Unbreakable Spirit
Word of Glory
Divine Purpose
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