Last updated 6 years ago.


achievements 22330

41 Rogue, Tarren Mill

No Ticket

Defeat Nitrogg Thundertower after abruptly removing 20 enemies from the Grimrail in Grimrail Depot on Heroic difficulty.


6 years ago

This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things

Defeat Railmaster Rocketspark and Borka the Brute after destroying all of the Priceless Paraphernalia in Grimrail Depot on Heroic difficulty.


6 years ago

Expert Timing

Slay 4 Ogron Laborers that are not in combat using a single Iron Star in Iron Docks on Heroic Difficulty.


6 years ago

Militaristic, Expansionist

Defeat Fleshrender Nok'gar in Iron Docks on Heroic difficulty, while Siegemaster Olugar, Pitwarden Gwarnok, and Champion Druna remain alive and in the fight.


6 years ago

Take Cover!

Defeat Skulloc in Iron Docks on Heroic difficulty without any players getting hit by Cannon Barrage or Backdraft.


6 years ago

Is Draenor on Fire?

Defeat Gug'rokk without killing any Unstable Slag in Bloodmaul Slag Mines on Heroic difficulty.


6 years ago

A Gift of Earth and Fire

Defeat Magmolatus while Calamity and Ruination are still alive in Bloodmaul Slag Mines on Heroic difficulty.


6 years ago

Patient Zero

Defeat Helya while all raid members but one are afflicted with Fetid Rot, in Trial of Valor on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

Boneafide Tri Tip

Defeat Guarm after taking his Chew Toy into all three Guardian's Breaths in Trial of Valor on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

You Runed Everything!

Defeat Odyn in the Trial of Valor after gaining Runic Mastery on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

Glory of the Draenor Raider

Complete the Draenor raid achievements listed below.


6 years ago

Lineage of Power

Empower and defeat a Fortified Replicating Gorian Warmage and then defeat Imperator Mar'gok in Highmaul on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

A Fungus Among Us

Gain 15 stacks of Burning Infusion and then defeat Brackenspore in Highmaul on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

Hurry Up, Maggot!

Cause the Butcher in Highmaul to slay 6 Maggots before defeating him on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

Fain Would Lie Down

Defeat Beastlord Darmac in Blackrock Foundry on Normal difficulty or higher after causing him to mount each beast first:


6 years ago