Last updated 6 years ago.


achievements 22330

41 Rogue, Tarren Mill

He Shoots, He Ores

Deposit the Volatile Ore in the Ore Grinder, and then defeat Oregorger in Blackrock Foundry on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

The Iron Price

Collect 3 Pristine True Iron Ores and then defeat Gruul in Blackrock Foundry in Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

Ashes, Ashes...

Defeat Blackhand in Blackrock Foundry after catching 20 Falling Ashes on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

The Steel Has Been Brought

Defeat Flamebender Ka'graz in Blackrock Foundry without killing Aknor Steelbringer on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

Stamp Stamp Revolution

Defeat Hans'gar and Franzok in Blackrock Foundry without any raid member being crushed by a stamping press on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

There's Always a Bigger Train

Engineer the ironic demise of an Exulting Wind-Up Train Wrecker in Blackrock Foundry on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

Ya, We've Got Time...

Complete the Blast Furnace encounter in Blackrock Foundry after defeating all four Primal Elementalists within 10 seconds of each other, on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

You Gotta Keep 'em Separated

Defeat Xhul'horac in Hellfire Citadel without triggering any Shadowfel Annihilations on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

Commander of Argus

Complete the following special encounters on Argus.


6 years ago

Mythic: The Coven of Shivarra

Defeat The Coven of Shivarra in Antorus, the Burning Throne on Mythic difficulty.


6 years ago

They See Me Rolling

Successfully deliver a Barrel of Storm Brew without taking any damage.


6 years ago

Mythic: Kin'garoth

Defeat Kin'garoth in Antorus, the Burning Throne on Mythic difficulty.


6 years ago

Mythic: Imonar the Soulhunter

Defeat Imonar the Soulhunter in Antorus, the Burning Throne on Mythic difficulty.


6 years ago

Nearly Indestructible

Complete the Hellfire Assault encounter in Hellfire Citadel while keeping the Hellfire Cannons above 90% health on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

Laughing Skull Orcs

Earn Exalted status with Laughing Skull Orcs.


6 years ago