120 Human Paladin, Turalyon
Stamina 108,561
Strength 32,326
Armor 8,381
Intellect 7,328
Agility 3,200
Haste 31.28%
Mastery 23.70%
Crit 21.00%
Versatility 3.77%
Speed 0.00%
Avoidance 0.00%
Leech 0.00%
Block 41.90%
Parry 25.31%
Dodge 3.00%
922.1 Item Level
Blessed Hammer
First Avenger
Fist of Justice
Retribution Aura
Hand of the Protector
Judgment of Light
Righteous Protector
No glyph selected
N/A Item Level
Unknown talent - 198038
Fires of Justice
Blade of Wrath
Eye for an Eye
Please be as specific as possible.