100 Pandaren Monk, Vek'nilash
Stamina 7,458
Agility 4,478
Armor 3,103
Intellect 1,041
Strength 626
Haste 81.23%
Crit 25.11%
Mastery 15.98%
Versatility 5.00%
Avoidance 3.56%
Leech 1.54%
Speed 0.00%
Dodge 15.42%
Parry 3.00%
Block 0.00%
700.4 Item Level
Tiger's Lust
Chi Burst
Unknown talent - 119381
Diffuse Magic
Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger
Unknown talent - 157676
Unknown glyph - 1030
Unknown glyph - 1138
Unknown glyph - 1135
Unknown glyph - 1044
Unknown glyph - 1029
Unknown glyph - 1042
N/A Item Level
Chi Wave
Ring of Peace
Unknown talent - 152174
Unknown glyph - 1136
Unknown glyph - 1140
Unknown glyph - 1038
Unknown glyph - 1055
Please be as specific as possible.