110 Pandaren Monk, Vek'nilash
Stamina 37,204
Intellect 30,957
Agility 9,030
Strength 4,402
Armor 2,109
Mastery 247.29%
Haste 23.53%
Crit 22.03%
Avoidance 5.60%
Leech 2.70%
Versatility 1.30%
Speed 0.00%
Dodge 3.00%
Parry 3.00%
Block 0.00%
860.6 Item Level
Chi Burst
Chi Torpedo
Mist Wrap
Unknown talent - 119381
Healing Elixir
Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane
Mana Tea
No glyph selected
N/A Item Level
Eye of the Tiger
Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger
Whirling Dragon Punch
Please be as specific as possible.