120 Orc Shaman, Anub'arak
Stamina 5,539
Intellect 5,469
Armor 2,129
Agility 1,464
Strength 634
Mastery 55.38%
Crit 10.96%
Haste 9.10%
Versatility 5.04%
Speed 0.00%
Avoidance 0.00%
Leech 0.00%
Block 10.00%
Dodge 6.24%
Parry 0.00%
345.3 Item Level
Echo of the Elements
Spirit Wolf
Master of the Elements
Nature's Guardian
Unknown talent - 262303
Unlimited Power
No glyph selected
Ancestral Vigor
Flash Flood
High Tide
Please be as specific as possible.