120 Human Paladin, Darkspear
Stamina 5,248
Strength 4,231
Armor 3,001
Intellect 1,467
Agility 513
Mastery 28.87%
Crit 15.56%
Haste 14.00%
Avoidance 2.89%
Versatility 1.84%
Speed 0.00%
Leech 0.00%
Parry 11.67%
Block 10.00%
Dodge 3.00%
N/A Item Level
Light's Hammer
Rule of Law
Blinding Light
Aura of Mercy
Holy Prism
Divine Purpose
No glyph selected
339.6 Item Level
Execution Sentence
Fires of Justice
Fist of Justice
Wake of Ashes
Eye for an Eye
Word of Glory
Please be as specific as possible.