Last updated 6 years ago.
achievements 12170

114 Human Warrior, Kel'Thuzad

Guild History

Fujisame has joined ninjaing area fifty one (~5 years ago)

Fujisame has left comin for your base (~5 years ago)

Fujisame has joined comin for your base (~5 years ago)

Fujisame has left pretty boy swag (~5 years ago)

Fujisame has joined pretty boy swag (~5 years ago)

Fujisame has left Kill Switch (~5 years ago)

Fujisame has joined Kill Switch (~5 years ago)

Fujisame has left cross the line (~5 years ago)

Fujisame has been promoted from rank 9 to rank 7 in cross the line (~5 years ago)

Fujisame has joined cross the line (~5 years ago)

Fujisame has left cross the line (~6 years ago)

Fujisame has joined cross the line (~6 years ago)


No history available.