Last updated 5 years ago.

Whitestrike Darkspear Revolutionary

Freelance Mercenaries
achievements 13435

120 Troll Hunter, Khaz Modan

Littlest Pet Shop

Collect 150 unique pets.


5 years ago

Honor Level 5

Reach Honor Level 5.


5 years ago

Grand Expedition Yak

Obtain a Grand Expedition Yak from Uncle Bigpocket in Kun-Lai Summit.


5 years ago

Ashes of Al'ar

Obtain the Ashes of Al'ar from Kael'thas Sunstrider in Tempest Keep.


5 years ago

Go Long

Transfer the Mark of Anguish to at least 5 unique players over a total of 200 yards or more during a single Desperate Measures phase, and then defeat the Fallen Protectors in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.


5 years ago

No More Tears

Defeat Immerseus after killing 10 Tears of the Vale in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.


5 years ago

Mythic: Eonar

Successfully defend Eonar in Antorus, the Burning Throne on Mythic difficulty.


5 years ago

Tall, Dark, and Sinister

Collect any armor set from PvP Season 27 or the Darkshore Warfront.


5 years ago

Mythic: Imperator's Fall

Complete the Imperator Mar'gok encounter in Highmaul on Mythic difficulty.


5 years ago

Mythic: Ko'ragh

Defeat Ko'ragh in Highmaul on Mythic difficulty.


5 years ago

Mythic: Twin Ogron

Defeat the Twin Ogron in Highmaul on Mythic difficulty.


5 years ago

Brothers in Arms

Defeat the Twin Ogron in Highmaul without their Disposition ever exceeding 30% on Normal difficulty or higher.


5 years ago

Mythic: Tectus

Defeat Tectus in Highmaul on Mythic difficulty.


5 years ago

Mythic: The Butcher

Defeat The Butcher in Highmaul on Mythic difficulty.


5 years ago

Ya, We've Got Time...

Complete the Blast Furnace encounter in Blackrock Foundry after defeating all four Primal Elementalists within 10 seconds of each other, on Normal difficulty or higher.


5 years ago