Last updated 7 years ago.

Mochila the Gullible

achievements 10475

110 Blood Elf Hunter, Mal'Ganis

Earned the achievement Mythic: Krosus for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement 10 Exalted Reputations for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Armies of Legionfall for 5 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Terrors of the Shore for 10 points. 7 years ago
Obtained Talisman of the Shal'dorei. 7 years ago
Obtained Netherbranded Shoulderpads. 7 years ago
5 Gul'dan kills (Normal Nighthold) 7 years ago
4 Grand Magistrix Elisande kills (Normal Nighthold) 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Mythic: Spellblade Aluriel for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Cage Rematch for 10 points. 7 years ago
Completed step of achievement Pandarian Mix Master. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement The Battle for Mount Hyjal for 10 points. 7 years ago
Obtained Dire Summons. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement 200 Daily Quests Complete for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Take Command for 5 points. 7 years ago