Last updated 7 years ago.

Proc the Crazy Cat Lady

achievements 10485

110 Orc Shaman, Mal'Ganis

Guild History

Proc has been promoted from rank 1 to rank 0 in Invective (~7 years ago)

Proc has joined Invective (~7 years ago)

Proc has left Ideal (~7 years ago)

Proc has been promoted from rank 3 to rank 1 in Ideal (~7 years ago)

Proc has been promoted from rank 4 to rank 3 in Ideal (~7 years ago)

Proc has joined Ideal (~7 years ago)

Proc has left For The Parse (~7 years ago)

Proc has been promoted from rank 2 to rank 1 in For The Parse (~7 years ago)

Proc has been demoted from rank 1 to rank 2 in For The Parse (~7 years ago)

Proc has joined For The Parse (~7 years ago)

Proc has left Temp Institutionalized (~7 years ago)

Proc has been promoted from rank 2 to rank 1 in Temp Institutionalized (~7 years ago)

Proc has joined Temp Institutionalized (~7 years ago)


No history available.