120 Tauren Druid, Nathrezim
Stamina 4,749
Agility 3,942
Intellect 1,465
Armor 1,257
Strength 633
Mastery 34.11%
Crit 16.21%
Haste 8.93%
Versatility 3.98%
Speed 0.00%
Avoidance 0.00%
Leech 0.98%
Dodge 11.28%
Block 0.00%
Parry 0.00%
318.5 Item Level
Wild Charge
Restoration Affinity
Mighty Bash
Incarnation: King of the Jungle
Unknown talent - 285564
Moment of Clarity
No glyph selected
N/A Item Level
No talent selected
Please be as specific as possible.