Last updated 6 years ago.

Philius Battlelord

Under The Southern Cross
achievements 22625

120 Human Warrior, Saurfang

We Came Here For Two Reasons

Slay 100 non-trivial demons in Krokuun, Mac'Aree, and the Antoran Wastes.


6 years ago

Chamber of the Avatar

Defeat the following bosses in the ancient vault beneath the Tomb of Sargeras.


6 years ago

Deceiver's Fall

Defeat Kil'jaeden in the Tomb of Sargeras.


6 years ago

Lethal Looks

Collect any class armor set from PvP Season 5.


6 years ago

Set Up Us the Bomb (25 player)

Defeat Mimiron without anyone in the raid being hit by the following in 25-player mode.


6 years ago

Don't Stand in the Lightning (25 player)

Defeat Thorim without any raid member being struck by Lightning Charge in 25-player mode.


6 years ago

Getting Cold in Here (25 player)

Defeat Hodir without any raid member having more than 2 stacks of Biting Cold in 25-player mode.


6 years ago

I Choose You, Stormcaller Brundir (25 player)

Defeat the Assembly of Iron with Stormcaller Brundir as the last member alive in 25-player mode.


6 years ago

Wardrobe of the Old Gods

Collect any class armor set from Dragon Soul.


6 years ago

Wailing Halls

Defeat the following bosses in the lower levels of the Tomb of Sargeras.


6 years ago

Gamon Will Save Us!

Defeat General Nazgrim while Gamon is alive and participating in the battle in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

None Shall Pass

Defeat the Amalgam of Corruption without allowing any unleashed corruption to fuse with it in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

Mythic: Oregorger

Defeat Oregorger in Blackrock Foundry on Mythic difficulty.


6 years ago

Mythic: Gruul

Defeat Gruul in Blackrock Foundry on Mythic difficulty.


6 years ago

The Gates of Hell

Defeat the following bosses near the entrance to the Tomb of Sargeras.


6 years ago