Last updated 8 years ago.

Raveñ of the Nightfall

Keyboard Warrior
achievements 11390

110 Dwarf Hunter, Saurfang

Earned the achievement Warmongering Conquest for 10 points. 8 years ago
Earned the achievement Naval Siege Specialist for 5 points. 8 years ago
1 Iron Reaver kills (Raid Finder Hellfire Citadel) 8 years ago
1 Hellfire Assault victories (Raid Finder Hellfire Citadel) 8 years ago
Obtained Vintage Draenic Handguards. 8 years ago
2 Archimonde kills (Raid Finder Hellfire Citadel) 8 years ago
Obtained Hexweave Bag. 8 years ago
Obtained Flamewaker's Tunic. 8 years ago
Obtained Flamewaker's Legguards. 8 years ago
3 Ragnaros Heroic kills (Firelands) 8 years ago
Obtained Grips of Unerring Precision. 8 years ago
3 Majordomo Fandral Staghelm Heroic kills (Firelands) 8 years ago
3 Baleroc Heroic kills (Firelands) 8 years ago
Obtained Scalp of the Bandit Prince. 8 years ago
3 Shannox Heroic kills (Firelands) 8 years ago