120 Tauren Paladin, Smolderthorn
Stamina 1,664
Strength 1,305
Armor 903
Intellect 361
Agility 125
Mastery 42.31%
Haste 24.51%
Crit 24.52%
Versatility 7.64%
Speed 5.74%
Avoidance 5.40%
Leech 0.00%
Parry 13.58%
Block 10.00%
Dodge 3.00%
252.5 Item Level
Righteous Verdict
Hammer of Wrath
Blinding Light
Wake of Ashes
Unbreakable Spirit
Selfless Healer
No glyph selected
N/A Item Level
Crusader's Might
Rule of Law
Devotion Aura
Holy Avenger
Avenging Crusader
Beacon of Virtue
Please be as specific as possible.