Last updated 4 years ago.

Shaketank Death's Demise

achievements 31955

120 Paladin, Thrall

Achievement 14052 not found.

Achievement 14160 not found.

Achievement 14066 not found.

Patient Zero

Defeat Helya while all raid members but one are afflicted with Fetid Rot, in Trial of Valor on Normal difficulty or higher.


4 years ago

Achievement 14049 not found.

Achievement 14061 not found.

Achievement 14169 not found.

Achievement 14067 not found.

Achievement 14168 not found.

Achievement 14167 not found.

Achievement 14172 not found.

Achievement 14051 not found.

Achievement 14166 not found.

Achievement 14162 not found.

Achievement 14156 not found.