Last updated 6 years ago.

Scóttdell the Chosen

achievements 11135

120 Troll Druid, Tichondrius

Completed step of achievement It All Really Adds Up. 6 years ago
2 Varimathras kills (Mythic Antorus, the Burning Throne) 6 years ago
Obtained Bearmantle Shoulders. 6 years ago
3 The Coven of Shivarra kills (Mythic Antorus, the Burning Throne) 6 years ago
6 Kin'garoth kills (Mythic Antorus, the Burning Throne) 6 years ago
8 Imonar the Soulhunter kills (Mythic Antorus, the Burning Throne) 6 years ago
Obtained Breach-Blocker Legguards. 6 years ago
Obtained Bearmantle Legguards. 6 years ago
8 Imonar the Soulhunter kills (Normal Antorus, the Burning Throne) 6 years ago
Obtained Tarratus Keystone. 6 years ago
9 Portal Keeper Hasabel kills (Mythic Antorus, the Burning Throne) 6 years ago
9 Eonar defenses (Mythic Antorus, the Burning Throne) 6 years ago
12 Antoran High Command kills (Mythic Antorus, the Burning Throne) 6 years ago
Obtained Eye of Shatug. 6 years ago
14 Hounds of Sargeras kills (Mythic Antorus, the Burning Throne) 6 years ago