Level 25 Horde Guild, Agamaggan. 309 members
Zackyy has left The Brotherhood of Steel (~4 years ago)
Krackon has left The Brotherhood of Steel (~5 years ago)
Hoofboy has left The Brotherhood of Steel (~5 years ago)
Yukha has left The Brotherhood of Steel (~5 years ago)
Goshaka has left The Brotherhood of Steel (~5 years ago)
Walulo has left The Brotherhood of Steel (~6 years ago)
Paktor has left The Brotherhood of Steel (~6 years ago)
Redespo has left The Brotherhood of Steel (~6 years ago)
Breskvica has left The Brotherhood of Steel (~8 years ago)
Názgrim has left The Brotherhood of Steel (~9 years ago)
Legolasmyass has left The Brotherhood of Steel (~9 years ago)
Nemfogkifern has left The Brotherhood of Steel (~9 years ago)
Zombiosis has left The Brotherhood of Steel (~9 years ago)
Paktor has joined The Brotherhood of Steel (~9 years ago)
Zelarc has joined The Brotherhood of Steel (~9 years ago)
Tordi has joined The Brotherhood of Steel (~9 years ago)
Djones has joined The Brotherhood of Steel (~9 years ago)
Smashzilla has joined The Brotherhood of Steel (~9 years ago)
Cptkillboy has joined The Brotherhood of Steel (~9 years ago)
Sgtraynor has joined The Brotherhood of Steel (~9 years ago)
Goinak has joined The Brotherhood of Steel (~9 years ago)
Blooddancer has joined The Brotherhood of Steel (~9 years ago)
Stormtroopah has joined The Brotherhood of Steel (~9 years ago)
Palmunaama has joined The Brotherhood of Steel (~9 years ago)
Puppetdancer has joined The Brotherhood of Steel (~9 years ago)